
Media Releases

Quebec students’ futures mortgaged by incompetent teachers

Montreal, Monday, January 18, 2016 – Can an incompetent teacher be fired in Quebec? Over the past five years, seven permanent teachers out of a total of nearly 60,000 working for the province’s school boards were dismissed for incompetence, reveals an MEI publication released today.

The privatization of medically required care in Canada is a myth

Montreal, December 15, 2015 – Contrary to what certain commentators declare, we are not witnessing the gradual privatization of health care funding in Canada. An Economic Note published today by the MEI demonstrates that this is a myth, at least when it comes to medically required care, which forms the core of our health care system.

Should sales taxes be applied to all of Canadians’ online purchases?

Montreal, November 27, 2015 – As Canadian consumers get ready to enjoy some Cyber Monday sales, an MEI publication points out that the non-collection of sales taxes on Canadians’ online purchases from foreign websites has both advantages and disadvantages. This tax avoidance places our online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores at a disadvantage through a kind of unfair competition, but it increases the real incomes of consumers.

C.D. Howe/MEI study: Montreal a champion when it comes to taxing investment

Montreal, Tuesday, November 24, 2015 – With the heaviest tax burden of large Canadian cities, Montreal is less welcoming than its competitors when it comes time to attract investment. Even though Quebec’s largest city maintains overall operating costs that are among the lowest in the world, the last dollar of returns generated by investment is taxed a total of 76 cents. In comparison, the last dollar of returns from investments made in Saskatoon is only taxed 43 cents, reveals a Viewpoint on the tax burdens of Canadian municipalities, published by the MEI in collaboration with the C.D. Howe Institute.

Will Canadian courts put an end to the public health care monopoly?

Montreal, November 19, 2015 – A legal challenge will soon be underway in British Columbia that could profoundly change the Canadian health care system, by making more room for the private sector and for patients’ freedom of choice. To shed some light on this case, the MEI is publishing today a Research Paper on legal challenges aiming to change Canada’s health care policies.

Anticosti : Une opportunité à saisir pour tout le Québec

Montréal, le 29 octobre 2015 – Les évaluations environnementales stratégiques, dont celle sur l’exploitation des hydrocarbures à Anticosti, nous apprenaient mercredi que l’ensemble des bénéfices pour l’État québécois de développer cette filière se situerait entre 46 et 48 milliards de dollars pour une exploitation étalée sur 75 ans.

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