
Media Releases

Quebec must not fall back into its old spending habits

Montreal, October 24, 2016 – On the eve of the provincial budget update, the MEI is reminding the government of Philippe Couillard that it must not yield to the numerous interest groups that covet its budget surpluses, and that it must respect its electoral promise. Specifically, the Liberal Party had promised during the election campaign that 50% of anticipated budget surpluses as of 2015-2016 would be used to reduce taxes, and the other 50% would be used to reduce the size of the debt.

Choosing a hospital the way you choose a hotel

Montreal, October 20, 2016 – Just like the TripAdvisor website that compares the views of travellers, there are quality reports in Germany that allow people to compare the country’s different hospitals. Indeed, as described in an Economic Note published today by the MEI, the German government requires that all hospitals publish, every two years, data on the quality of the services they offer, and that they make this data available to patients.

The Montreal metro’s golden anniversary: Time to part ways with an outdated model

Montreal, October 14, 2016 – The Société de Transport de Montréal is often in the news when the metro breaks down, or for its poor management. Today, on the occasion of the metro’s 50th anniversary, the MEI is publishing an Economic Note showing that these problems are not anecdotal. The STM has a long history of inefficiency, and it is all Quebec taxpayers who are footing the bill.

The Quebec debt will hit $280 billion tomorrow

Montreal, October 10, 2016 – Thanks to recurring deficits and infrastructure spending, the public sector debt will reach a record $280 billion tomorrow, October 11, a little before 7:00 PM, according to the MEI’s Debt Clock. 

Carbon tax: Canadians must have the facts

Montreal, October 4, 2016 – While Ottawa goes ahead with carbon pricing as part of its plan to fight climate change, the MEI is inviting the government to give Canadians the facts before getting them involved in such an initiative.

Plain packaging: Inconclusive evidence suggests Canada should wait

Montreal, September 29, 2016 – As Ottawa is preparing to impose plain packaging on tobacco companies, a Research Paper published today by the MEI shows that such regulation is not grounded on solid evidence at the present time. Yet while there are uncertainties regarding its benefits, the costs of this policy are clear, and largely underestimated.

Softwood lumber dispute: Canadian producers are still losing out

Montreal, September 15, 2016 – While the rise of protectionism dominated the discussions among world leaders during the latest G20 summit, a Viewpoint published today by the MEI shows among other things that the tariff barriers imposed on Canadian softwood lumber threaten nearly 22,000 jobs throughout the country.

A court case that could change Canada’s health care system

Montreal, September 6, 2016 – As a long-awaited trial gets underway before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, pitting Dr. Brian Day against the province’s Health Ministry, the MEI is taking the opportunity presented by this court challenge to reiterate that reforms are needed in order to improve access to health care.

Supply management pushes up to 190,000 Canadians into poverty

Montreal, August 31, 2016 – With the price of industrial milk set to increase for a second time this year on September 1st as a result of a recent decision by the Canadian Dairy Commission, it is once again the poorest families that will suffer from such a policy, as shown in a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

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