
Media Releases

Is Donald Trump endangering the Canadian auto industry?

Montreal, January 12, 2017 – President-elect Donald Trump’s recent declarations about wanting to impose tariffs at the U.S.-Mexico border to protect the American auto industry pose a threat to the Canadian industry and the thousands of jobs that depend on it, shows a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

Income tax reductions as a Christmas present for Quebecers?

Montreal, December 15, 2016 – While Quebecers are in full holiday shopping mode, a comparison of rates shows that sales taxes are higher here than in most of the provinces and American states that border us.

For example, last year, a financial institution estimated that each Quebecer would spend an average of around $1,060 in gifts and entertainment during the holiday period. The sales taxes included in such an amount represent $138, whereas they total just C$78 in Plattsburgh, New York, and C$57 in Burlington, Vermont.

$15 minimum wage: The 25 RCMs where jobs are most at risk

Montreal, December 8, 2016 – Labour Minister Dominique Vien will soon announce Quebec’s minimum wage for the year 2017. The MEI would like to remind the government that a dramatic increase would threaten thousands of jobs in the province. Moreover, an Economic Note published today shows that such a policy would have a disproportionate effect on jobs in rural regions, and accelerate the rural exodus.

What if, one day, the MEI Debt Clock ran backward?

Montreal, December 6, 2016 – Thanks to effective spending control and a budget surplus, Quebec Finance Minister Carlos Leitao succeeded in reducing the government’s gross debt by $610 million—the first reduction in nearly 60 years! Given this provincial budget update, the MEI’s Debt Clock must also be adjusted. Based on the Finance Department’s projections, it has been revised downward in light of the slower-than-expected growth of the public sector debt, which is excellent news.

Ottawa’s decision to oppose Northern Gateway is worrisome

Montreal, November 30, 2016 – Ottawa's approval of new pipelines for transporting Western Canada's oil to new foreign markets is good news for the Canadian economy, says the MEI. However, it is worrisome to see the federal government ask the National Energy Board (NEB) to reject the Northern Gateway pipeline project.

Mobile MEI: New application available for iOS

Montreal, November 24, 2016 – With today’s launch of its new mobile phone application, available free of charge at the App Store, the MEI is taking the next step in disseminating its content online. This new tool provides the general public with fast and easy access to the content generated by the MEI. In addition to our Quebec Debt Clock, users can consult our publications, press releases, opinion pieces, blog posts, and media interviews.

How far does secret government surveillance go?

Montreal, November 8, 2016 – The scandal surrounding the electronic surveillance of several journalists in Quebec shines a light on a troubling reality. The phenomenon of police surveillance does not only affect members of the media, but threatens the privacy of everyone, as shown in an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

Money doesn’t grow on trees, even for the federal government

Montreal, October 31, 2016 – Whereas Ottawa is preparing to plunge even deeper into deficit than expected, it is a mistake to think that because of currently low interest rates, the government should borrow more. Those who make this argument forget that interest charges are not the only cost associated with a deficit, as shown in a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

The competitiveness of the forestry sector threatened by the new forest regime

Montreal, October 27, 2016 – On October 31, at the Forum Innovation Bois, the Quebec government will announce recommendations, probably accompanied by new programs, for encouraging innovation and investment in the forestry sector. Yet it is the government itself that is in large part responsible for the lack of investment in this industry and should review its practices before announcing new measures, argues a Research Paper published today by the MEI.

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