
Media Releases

Federal budget: Ottawa should follow Quebec and BC’s lead

Montreal, March 20, 2017 – With the next federal budget just around the corner, the MEI wants to remind the government that running budget deficits in order to stimulate the economy is a policy which is doomed to failure, and which can even have the opposite effect.

Health transfers: Provinces get their money, but problem is far from resolved

Montreal, March 10, 2017 – After a months-long wrestling match, Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta have all reached agreements with the federal government in terms of health care funding. The fact that Ottawa has decided to respect Quebec's autonomy, if not that of the other provinces, is good news. However, the deeper problem remains.

The Pandora’s Box of “Social Licence”

Montreal, March 1st, 2017 – The notion of social licence has become an essential feature of all debates surrounding economic development projects. Yet this new concept with no clear definition, mentioned nowhere in the law, can lead to significant pitfalls, according to an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

Ottawa should respect provincial jurisdiction over health care

Montreal, February 21, 2017 – In order to improve Canada’s public health care systems, Ottawa should withdraw from this sector and let each province decide for itself the best ways to provide services to its population, argues a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

TFSAs: It’s time to think of small businesses

Montreal, February 9, 2017 – TFSA rules forget about small businesses, shows an MEI Viewpoint published today suggesting that the category of qualified investments be expanded. Large corporations are already well-served by various investment vehicles; it is now time to think of small companies as well. Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) are the perfect tool for this.

Bombardier: Over $4 billion in public funds since 1966

Montreal, February 8, 2017 – The federal government has just announced financial assistance to Bombardier in the form of a $372.5-million loan to support the C Series program and to develop the Global 7000 business jet. Even though Ottawa is showing a certain degree of caution in not giving the aerospace giant a billion dollars, as it has been requesting for several months, the MEI points out that corporate subsidies create major distortions in the economy.

Élargissement du régime de retraite public : Québec a raison de ne pas suivre Ottawa

Montreal, January 18, 2017 – Alors que plusieurs groupes de pression incitent le gouvernement du Québec de suivre l’exemple d’Ottawa et d’étendre le Régime des rentes du Québec (RRQ), l'IEDM rappelle qu’il s’agirait d’un cadeau empoisonné pour les travailleurs, qui subiraient les coûts d’une telle politique. Une bonification du régime public se traduira par une augmentation des contributions déduites à la source, tant celles des travailleurs que des employeurs.

Inequality: By attacking the rich, Oxfam is again forgetting the poor

Montreal, January 18, 2017 – For a fourth year in a row, Oxfam is denouncing the concentration of wealth among the most fortunate 1% on the planet. The problem is that its report, An Economy for the 99%, is once again as dishonest as it is mistaken. To be precise, the report’s statement that “eight men own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world” is based on accurate data, but on misleading calculations. 

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