
Media Releases

Boeing and Bombardier: A dispute that hurts the entire industry

Montreal, September 25, 2017 – If the US Department of Commerce rules this week in favour of Boeing, which wants a tax of up to 80% imposed on Bombardier’s C Series planes, the consequences would be serious for the Quebec company, and for the industry more generally.

Ideas for encouraging entrepreneurship in Canada

Montreal, September 19, 2017 – Canada is fertile ground for entrepreneurship, but many opportunities nonetheless remain unseized due to ill-advised public policies, shows a Research Paper published today by the MEI.

Interprovincial trade barriers: The same thing as customs tariffs

Montreal, September 15, 2017 – Studies have already established that interprovincial trade barriers considerably reduce economic activity in Canada, causing tens of billions of dollars of losses a year. A study published yesterday by Statistics Canada sheds new light on this question by putting a number to the effect of provincial borders (including regulatory barriers, but also other factors that can have an influence) on trade, as if they were customs tariffs.

Abandoning the Energy East project would be a serious mistake

Montreal, September 8, 2017 – The obstacles to the Energy East pipeline project set up by different levels of government and by interest groups, as well as the dithering of the National Energy Board (NEB), could doom an economic project with the potential to generate billions of dollars of investments and create many jobs, says the MEI.

Succursale de la SAQ dans un supermarché: le gouvernement Couillard doit privilégier la libéralisation

Montreal, August 22, 2017 – Alors que l’on apprend aujourd’hui qu’une succursale de la SAQ ouvrira bientôt ses portes dans un supermarché, l’IEDM rappelle que la meilleure façon d’améliorer le choix et la qualité du service fourni au consommateur est de libéraliser le marché des vins et spiritueux. L’IEDM invite donc le gouvernement à aller de l’avant avec la libéralisation.

Nearly all Canadian farmers prosper without supply management

Montreal, August 17, 2017 – In Canada, 92% of farmers perform well in global markets without the benefit of substantial support measures, a Viewpoint released today by the MEI shows clearly. NAFTA renegotiation therefore presents an opportunity to expand market access for the minority of producers who remain under supply management, which limits their growth prospects.

Is a professional order for teachers really the best solution?

Montreal, August 11, 2017 – The proposal from the Quebec Liberal youth wing to create a professional order for teachers has the merit of reviving debate on education, but deeper reforms are needed to enhance the role of teachers and to promote excellence in Quebec schools.

Aeronautics: Canada must avoid a subsidy race

Montreal, August 3, 2017 – The current tug of war between Bombardier and Boeing, with the American company accusing the Quebec aircraft manufacturer of being unduly subsidized, shows that Canada has a strong interest in proposing a new international agreement to avoid a ruinous subsidy race in the aeronautic sector, as suggested in a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

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