
Media Releases

The cost of medication: Prices that are too low could reduce access

Montreal, November 15, 2017 – If Health Canada achieves its goal of lowering the maximum prices for drugs, the health of Canadians could suffer, shows a Viewpoint published today by the MEI. Indeed, in countries that have implemented similar price control policies, new drugs have become less accessible to the population.

Wireless services: The CRTC should not favour resellers

Montreal, November 9, 2017 – By asking the CRTC to favour resellers of wireless services, Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains runs the risk of discouraging investment in the telecommunications industry, all while creating a new category of privileged players protected from competitive pressure, shows an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

Ottawa should abolish the capital gains tax

Montreal, November 2, 2017 – While Ottawa has set aside its plans to increase the inclusion rate of the capital gains tax—from 50% to 75% according to rumours—an Economic Note published today by the MEI shows that this kind of tax is particularly harmful. The government should instead reduce or abolish it, as a number of countries have done.

Emergency rooms: A Swedish hospital shows that long waits need not be the norm

Montreal, October 17, 2017 – Quebec’s Health Minister recently gave an ultimatum to the province’s hospitals such that emergency room stays could no longer exceed 24 hours. To solve our wait time problem, our politicians should instead take inspiration from the operation of Saint Göran, a Swedish hospital run by a private company, accessible to all and funded by the government at lower cost than public hospitals, as explained in an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

Ending supply management: An opportunity for Canada

Montreal, October 16, 2017 – While the United States is calling for the dismantlement of our supply management system for dairy, poultry, and eggs within 10 years, the MEI invites the Canadian government to seize this opportunity to ask for full access to other markets in return.

Spectrum Set Aside Won’t Benefit Consumers

Montreal, October 5, 2017 – A decade after we first debated the appropriateness of setting spectrum aside to foster the emergence of new wireless players, it seems the federal government hasn’t learned anything about the perverse effects of such a policy, says a telecom policy analyst at the Montreal Economic Institute.

The boreal caribou preservation plan could cost over $740 million a year

Montreal, October 3, 2017 – The attempt to save 79 caribou a year could cost 5,675 direct jobs in the province of Quebec and more than $741 million in lost economic activity, according to calculations carried out by the MEI based on the federal government’s recommendations. Ottawa had given the provinces until October 5 to submit their plans in this matter.

Trump’s tax proposal: Ottawa should adopt a proportional tax rate of 10.5% to stay competitive

Montreal, September 27, 2017 – While the U.S. President has just reiterated his intention to reduce corporate taxes, Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau wants to raise taxes on entrepreneurs. Ottawa would be better off focusing on Canada’s tax competitiveness with its neighbour, for example by adopting a proportional tax rate of 10.5% for all corporate earnings, argues a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

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