
Media Releases

It’s time to put an end to trade wars between the provinces

Montreal, February 15, 2018 – The best way to avoid provincial trade wars is to bring down the barriers that still exist between the provinces. The Comeau case, which the Supreme Court is currently studying, could normalize the free movement of goods and services from coast to coast to coast and help put an end to harmful disputes like the one between Alberta and British Columbia currently making headlines, says the MEI.

Energy: Ottawa’s new rules create more uncertainty

Montreal, February 9, 2018 – The new review process for industrial projects unveiled by Ottawa risks hurting the Canadian economy’s competitiveness even more by creating greater uncertainty among investors, points out the MEI, adding that the energy sector is already going through a difficult period.

Health care and education: It’s not about the money

Montreal, February 7, 2018 – Contrary to what some would have you believe, spending on health care and education in Quebec have increased substantially in recent years, but these additional sums have had little impact on the quality or accessibility of public services, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

Yes, Quebecers really are happy with announced tax cuts

Montreal, February 1, 2018 – A few weeks from the next provincial budget, a Leger poll released today shows that a majority of Quebecers are happy about the tax cuts recently announced by the government. They also think that their taxes are too high, and that tax cuts are good for the economy.

NAFTA: Compromise is needed on both sides

Montreal, January 22, 2018 – The United States and Canada have to make concessions in order to save NAFTA, whose days are numbered if the parties at the negotiating table persist in wanting to protect their industries to the detriment of consumers and free trade.

Quebec is still a corporate subsidy champion

Montreal, January 18, 2018 – Quebec pays out twice as much in corporate subsidies as Ontario, proportional to the size of its economy. This policy does not make Quebecers richer, shows a publication released today by the MEI.

Canadians are ready to bring down interprovincial trade barriers

Montreal, November 28, 2017 – Canadians are unequivocal: 89% think they should be allowed to bring any legally purchased product from one province to another, according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the MEI, the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF), and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS).

Budget update: Taxpayers deserve a tax cut

Montreal, November 20, 2017 – A few hours away from the budget update, the MEI salutes Quebec’s decision to reduce the individual income tax—an important electoral promise—and invites the government to turn a deaf ear to the many interest groups that will be demanding even greater public spending increases.

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