
Media Releases

New drugs: Patients are needlessly waiting 15 months too long

Montreal, April 5, 2018 – Regulatory obstacles entail an additional delay of 15 months on average between the moment when a new drug is approved by Health Canada and its reimbursement by the provinces’ public plans. And this process may get even more burdensome due to a recent reform, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

The CRTC’s non-decision is good news for Canadian telecom consumers

Montreal, March 22, 2018 – The CRTC announced today that it was launching a consultation to ensure lower-cost data-only wireless plans are available to Canadians across the country. The agency also announced that it will initiate a review of its wholesale mobile wireless framework within the next year.

Yes, Quebec does lack doctors

Montreal, March 15, 2018 – It is often said that Quebec has a lot of physicians. In fact, the province has fewer doctors than most other industrialized countries and should put an end to university admissions quotas, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

Newsprint: Another blow for the Canadian forestry sector

Montreal, March 14, 2018 – After softwood lumber and supercalendered paper, this time it’s newsprint and other printing paper that’s being hit by American protectionism. These new tariffs will penalize not only Canadian companies, but also American consumers.

Federal budget: Broken promises place Ottawa in a delicate situation

Montreal, February 23, 2018 – The current federal government has systematically broken its fiscal promises since taking office, and the Finance Minister will have to proceed with caution, show the figures compiled by the MEI in the lead-up to the unveiling of the federal budget on Tuesday.

Oxfam is wrong: Economic growth also benefits the poor

Montreal, February 22, 2018 – Despite the widely covered statements of groups like Oxfam decrying wealth disparities, the empirical data show that economic growth, far from benefiting only a small group of elites, allows millions of people to climb out of poverty each year in Canada and elsewhere, as shown in a publication launched today by the MEI.

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