
Media Releases

Protecting the caribou: Substantial costs, questionable results

Montreal, May 28, 2018 – Environment and Climate Change Canada recently published a report criticizing the measures taken by the provinces to protect the boreal caribou. If Ottawa decides to intervene, it must take into account the economic costs of protection measures and the realities of each province.

Canadian wireless prices competitive, despite simplistic comparisons

Montreal, May 8, 2018 – Critics of wireless prices in Canada regularly claim that these are among the highest in the world, but such comparisons are simplistic and misleading, argues the 2018 edition of The State of Competition in Canada’s Telecommunications Industry, published today by the MEI.

No free press without economic freedom!

Montreal, May 3, 2018 – On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, a publication launched today by the MEI shows that this freedom is intimately connected to the degree of economic freedom that prevails in a country.

Seniors’ housing: Quebec needs entrepreneurs

Montreal, April 26, 2018 – With the population aged 75 and older expected to double by 2031, the government should rely more on entrepreneurs to meet seniors’ demand for housing and care, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

Is Ontario the new public finance dunce?

Montreal, April 24, 2018 – The bad news just keeps piling up for Ontario, with a provincial election just around the corner. Not only has a key ratings agency just downgraded the province’s financial outlook from “stable” to “negative,” but the Ontario government’s borrowing costs are, for the very first time, higher than those of the Quebec government.

The Comeau decision: 37 million Canadians are the big losers

Montreal, April 19, 2018 – The Supreme Court missed a historic opportunity to free the Canadian economy from its numerous trade barriers. In its unanimous decision, handed down today, the highest court in the land decided to maintain the status quo, deplores the MEI.

Season 4 of the Free Markets Series now available online

Montreal, April 19, 2018 – After having aired on PBS affiliates in the United States and Canada, the fourth season of the Free Markets Series is now available online for the entire internet community to enjoy. Six new 30-minute episodes can be found in the dedicated series web library, and on social media networks.

The Trans Mountain suspension: Ottawa must put its foot down

Montreal, April 9, 2018 – Kinder Morgan has announced it is suspending “non-essential” activities and investments for its Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. This follows a series of abandoned large infrastructure projects in the country and once again sends the wrong message that Canada does not welcome investors, points out the MEI, which is pushing Ottawa to act to stop the hemorrhaging.

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