
Media Releases

Energy projects: Ottawa must revise Bill C-69

Montreal, October 11, 2018 – In order to slow the exodus of investments from Canada and improve the competitiveness of Canadian companies, governments should eliminate the discretionary power of politicians to block a project once it has received all necessary approvals, and agencies that do not respect the deadlines prescribed by law should face budgetary sanctions, states a publication launched today by the MEI.

NAFTA: We avoided the worst, but we’re far from true free trade

Montreal, October 1st, 2018 – The trade deal concluded yesterday between Canada, the United States, and Mexico, according to preliminary information, seems to pave the way for a relatively positive resolution, given its importance for the Canadian economy as a whole, despite some sizable irritants.

Our forests are in good health: They are not overharvested

Montreal, September 18, 2018 – Contrary to a widespread myth, forest harvesting is not synonymous with deforestation and does not threaten the sustainability of our forests, which are actually under-harvested. Thanks to innovation, the forestry industry is more and more productive and our forests are doing better, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

High taxes kill entrepreneurship

Montreal, September 13, 2018 – Entrepreneurship is a hot topic, a buzzword that leaves no politician indifferent. However, political decision-makers should bear in mind that entrepreneurship is affected by fiscal policy. When taxes are high, there are fewer entrepreneurs, and fewer businesses are created, which means that less wealth is created. This is the key takeaway from the Research Paper published today by the MEI, entitled Entrepreneurship and Fiscal Policy – How Taxes Affect Entrepreneurial Activity.

Health care: 70% of Quebecers favour a role for the private sector within a universal system

Montreal, September 5, 2018 – With the election campaign in full swing, a Leger poll conducted for the MEI shows that Quebecers are largely in favour of having private entrepreneurs enhance the provision of health care, as long as this care continues to be covered by government. A majority also say they are dissatisfied with their health care system and believe the billions of dollars injected into health care over the past 10 years have not produced good results.

Trans Mountain: another decision that will scare off investors

Montreal, August 30, 2018 – The decision by the Federal Court of Appeal to block the project to expand the Trans Mountain pipeline under the pretext that Ottawa has not consulted the indigenous population adequately shows yet again that the project approval process in Canada is not working and is sending investments fleeing to our competitors.

The government should not fill out your tax return for you

Montreal, August 21, 2018 – Should the government pre-fill your tax return, as certain politicians propose? Such a system, even if its purpose is to simplify things, does not necessarily reduce costs for taxpayers, increases them for businesses and the government, and also entails several adverse effects, shows a study published today by the MEI that looks at the international experience.

Higher education: “Free” tuition would cost $1.3 billion

Montreal, August 16, 2018 – The idea of making higher education “free” resurfaces regularly, echoing among representatives of several political parties. A publication launched today by the MEI shows that such a policy would be costly for Quebec taxpayers, without necessarily leading to more students graduating.

Canada’s Corporate Tax Cut Success: A Lesson for Americans

Montreal, August 14, 2018 – In December 2017, President Donald Trump cut corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%, effective immediately. While certain critics quickly lamented this policy decision, the President is currently mulling a second round of tax cuts. In this context, the Canadian experience with corporate tax reduction provides a useful comparison, shows a new study released today by the Montreal Economic Institute.

Hydro-Québec is right to want to prioritize profitable projects

Montreal, August 9, 2018 – The President and CEO of Hydro-Québec, Éric Martel, in a letter to the Innu Chiefs, expressed his conviction that the Apuiat project is “not recommendable.” Indeed, this wind farm project would entail losses of $1.5 billion to $2 billion, depending on the duration of the contract. Mr. Martel is acting in Quebecers’ best interests by declaring his significant reserves about this project.

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