
Media Releases

Trans Mountain: Some good news, but the saga is far from over

Montreal, February 22, 2019 – The MEI salutes the National Energy Board’s decision to recommend that the federal government move forward with the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. Nonetheless, this saga is far from over, and shows once again that Canada’s energy project approval process remains burdensome and inefficient.

Let’s reduce public spending to raise Quebecers’ standard of living

Montreal, February 13, 2019 – While Quebec Premier François Legault wants to attract private investment into the province, a publication launched today by the MEI shows that an essential precondition for this and for increasing Quebecers’ standard of living is to increase the province’s productivity by reducing public spending.

Drug insurance plan: Let’s cover those who can’t afford to pay

Montreal, February 8, 2019 – The MEI welcomes the news that Ottawa is expected not to go forward with a completely public national drug insurance plan that would make the government the sole insurer and prevent workers who want to continue to enjoy their current coverage from doing so.

The regulatory burden is increasing, despite Ottawa’s efforts

Montreal, February 6, 2019 – In spite of the efforts of the federal government in recent years to rein in the expansion of the regulatory burden, the fact is that its initiatives have had only mitigated success. Indeed, according to a study published today by the MEI, the number of regulatory requirements imposed on businesses by the federal government and federal agencies increased from 129,860 to 136,121 between 2014 and 2017.

Ex-Minister Kevin Falcon joins the MEI

Montreal, January 25, 2019 – The MEI is very happy to announce the nomination of the Honourable Kevin Falcon, a former minister having led important reforms, as a Senior Fellow.

Téo Taxi failure: Governments must stop playing banker

Montreal, January 24, 2019 – This morning’s news that Téo Taxi is generating heavy losses and that parent company Taxelco will be placing itself under the protection of the Bankruptcy Act should serve as a warning to governments, which tend to want to play banker with taxpayers’ money, says the MEI.

GHG reductions: Ambitious targets for an insignificant impact

Montreal, January 17, 2019 – The Quebec government wants to all but eliminate the province’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. However, Quebec’s share of global emissions is so miniscule that achieving this objective would have an insignificant impact on the temperature of the planet, shows a publication released today by the MEI.

Christmas is less expensive than it was in the good ol’ days

Montreal, December 21, 2018 – We often have the impression that life just gets more and more expensive, but the picture changes considerably when we look instead at our ability to purchase goods. Thus, the goods in a “Christmas basket” cost about half as much today as they did in 1984 when their cost is measured in hours of work, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

Poll: Quebecers prefer oil from Western Canada

Montreal, December 19, 2018 – In the wake of the Quebec Premier’s recent statements about Alberta oil, which have sown discontent in Western Canada, a Leger poll conducted for the MEI and released today shows that a large majority of Quebecers prefer to get oil from Western Canada than from anywhere else in the world.

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