
Media Releases

The Income Tax Act: 1.1 million words and counting!

Montreal, April 10, 2019 – While hundreds of thousands of Canadians are completing their tax returns, a publication launched today by the MEI shows that the Canadian tax system has become much too complicated and costly to administer, and should therefore be simplified.

Labour shortage: Obstacles keep wage increases from being higher

Montreal, April 4, 2019 – While the unemployment rate is at its lowest and the country’s labour shortage is regularly in the news, workers should have the upper hand and be enjoying substantial wage increases. But trade barriers and the tax burden keep them from fully benefiting from this favourable context, as shown in an MEI study published today.

Over $220 million in subsidies… for very little impact on the environment

Montreal, March 28, 2019 – Since 2012, Quebec has spent more than $220 million in subsidies to “encourage” the purchase of electric vehicles. This spending will continue, since the government has extended this program for two more years. Yet as the MEI has been saying for some time, not only is such a public policy very expensive, it also has very little impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Taxi industry reform: Quebec does the right thing

Montreal, March 20, 2019 – The MEI congratulates the Quebec government for having decided to reduce the regulatory burden and encourage innovation. Indeed, the bill to modernize the taxi industry, which has just been tabled by the Transport Department, proposes a series of measures that will benefit both consumers and the industry.

Federal budget: Serial deficits must end… before 2040!

Montreal, March 18, 2019 – Tomorrow, the federal government will present its last budget before the elections expected in the fall. Contrary to what was included in the government’s fiscal framework during the last election, a substantial deficit is expected again this year. Indeed, according to Finance Canada’s projections, the budget will only be balanced in 2040.

The taxi industry: Turning toward competition and innovation

Montreal, March 14, 2019 – With Quebec preparing to table a bill to modernize the taxi industry, a publication launched today by the MEI shows that the government should take advantage of this opportunity to reduce the regulatory burden and encourage innovation.

Super nurses: More autonomy, more care for patients

Montreal, February 28, 2019 – The Collège des médecins du Québec ended up showing some openness, and specialized nurse practitioners can now make certain diagnoses. As shown in a publication launched today by the MEI, “super nurses” are qualified to provide a wide range of care, which can free up doctors from certain tasks and increase access for patients.

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