
Media Releases

IPOs: The United States should take a page from Canada

Montreal, August 7, 2019 – Sharing economy giants like Uber and Airbnb took more than ten years before finally holding an initial public offering this year; in the 1990s, Yahoo and Amazon took just one and three years, respectively. An MEI publication launched today shows that these delays are due, among other things, to the fact that the United States is increasingly closed to regular investors.

Air Canada’s purchase of Air Transat: Should consumers be worried?

Montreal, June 4, 2019 – While Air Canada is looking to purchase Air Transat, a publication released today by the MEI shows that the concerns of travellers regarding potential price increases should not be based on greater market concentration, but rather on the presence of barriers to entry in the air travel industry.

Season 5 of the Free Markets Series now available online

Montreal, May 31, 2019 – After having aired on PBS affiliates in the United States and Canada, the fifth season of the Free Markets Series is now available online for the entire internet community to enjoy. Six new 30-minute episodes can be found in the dedicated series web library, and on social media networks.

Which countries have the most press freedom?

Montreal, May 3, 2019 – As we celebrate World Press Freedom Day, a publication launched today by the MEI shows that this freedom is closely linked with the degree of economic freedom that prevails in a country.

Quebec should seize the hand extended by Alberta

Montreal, April 17, 2019 – In a speech following his election victory, the new Premier-elect of Alberta, the Honourable Jason Kenney, extended a hand to Quebec and urged the province not to hinder the development of Alberta’s energy sector.

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