
Media Releases

Health care: Quebecers more open to competition for better access

Montreal, December 4, 2019 – While governments keep shovelling billions of dollars into the country’s health care systems, and results continue to disappoint, a strong majority of Quebecers are open to entrepreneurship in order to alleviate the lack of service, all while maintaining the universal coverage of care. Indeed, across the country, it is Quebec that is the most open to this, shows a Leger poll carried out on behalf of the MEI.

Forestry: With the sector’s competitiveness threatened, Quebec must take a step back

Montreal, November 27, 2019 – Quebec’s forestry sector has been quietly losing steam for several years, yet its difficulties have gone largely unnoticed by the media. Indeed, according to a publication launched today by the MEI, a poorly designed forest regime and the softwood lumber dispute have undermined this sector that employs nearly 60,000 Quebecers.

Interprovincial trade: Alberta in first place, Quebec in last

Montreal, November 14, 2019 – While Canada continues to negotiate free trade agreements with numerous countries, the provinces maintain obstacles to trade within our own borders. The MEI and the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) have listed them from best to worst in a ranking of Canadian provinces and territories by their openness to internal trade, launched today.

Telecommunications: The CRTC threatens service quality and affordability

Montreal, October 31, 2019 – The question of the price of cellphone packages in Canada recently resurfaced again, this time during the election campaign. In the context of this debate, we too often forget that Canada has top quality telecommunications infrastructure, despite a regulatory framework that is very restrictive for companies in this sector.

Artificial intelligence will be good for workers

Montreal, October 30, 2019 – Are machines going to steal our jobs? That is the question that keeps popping up in light of the rapid progress of artificial intelligence (AI). Research shows, however, that such fears about the adverse impact of AI on employment are largely exaggerated, according to a study published today by the MEI.

Obstacles keep Canadians from benefiting from telemedicine

Montreal, September 19, 2019 – The technologies behind telemedicine are available, and more Canadians could receive remote care, at home or at work, thereby saving themselves trips and avoiding long waits. Unfortunately, our governments are slow to remove obstacles that prevent patients from benefiting from virtual consultations, and doctors from providing this care, shows a publication launched today by the MEI. Only 1% of Canadians use virtual care.

Education: Getting our money’s worth

Montreal, August 29, 2019 – The MEI is launching a publication today showing that education spending increased considerably between 2006 and 2016, even though the number of students in public schools went down. One has to wonder if the situation is sustainable in the long run, especially given that the number of students has rebounded since 2016 and will continue to grow substantially in the coming years.

Quebec Emergency Rooms: Fewer Patients, Longer Waits

Montreal, August 21, 2019 – A publication launched today by the MEI shows that waiting times in Quebec emergency rooms continue to increase, despite a reduction in the number of patients treated in 2018-2019. The data collected by the Department of Health run counter to information that circulated earlier this year according to which the situation in emergency rooms had improved.

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