
Media Releases

Mini-budget: The MEI launches its Federal Debt Clock

Montreal, December 1st, 2020 – With Ottawa announcing a deficit of nearly $400 billion, the MEI believes it is pertinent to show, in real time, the consequences of this mounting debt for Canadian citizens. The debt is over $1,048 billion, the equivalent of $33,865 per taxpayer. From now until the end of the fiscal year in March 2021, the debt will increase by $1 billion a day or $41 million an hour.

Mini-budget: Quebec must stay the course on budgetary balance

Montreal, November 12, 2020 – The Quebec government must recommit itself as soon as possible to balanced budgets and promote renewed economic activity in those sectors most affected by the pandemic, says the MEI. Quebec must also avoid the temptation to involve itself too directly in the economy by arbitrarily subsidizing one company rather than another.

Poll: Canadians want to increase health system capacity

Montreal, November 10, 2020 – With Canadians locked down to varying degrees in order to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, a very large majority of them want the system to have better surge capacity. Canadians, and especially Quebecers, also think that the health care system is too bureaucratic to respond to their needs. The majority of Canadians are in favour of giving more space to entrepreneurs within a universal health care system, according to an Ipsos poll carried out on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute.

Forestry: Leaving hundreds of millions of dollars on the table

Montreal, October 29, 2020 – With the Quebec government about to review the province’s forest regime, environmentalists are busy trying to reduce the development of this natural resource. A new Montreal Economic Institute publication shows, however, that we could increase the harvest of our forests without undermining the renewal of the resource.

Débat entre deux économistes : Le confinement en vaut-il le coût?

Montréal, October 23, 2020 – Depuis plusieurs mois, nous assistons à un dialogue de sourds entre ceux qui prônent le confinement et ceux qui ont des doutes quant à son efficacité. Les échanges entre les deux camps manquent souvent de civilité et les insultes fusent de toute part. Il est donc bien difficile de trouver un véritable résumé de l’argumentaire des deux factions. C’est afin de pallier ce manque et d’aider les gens à former leur propre opinion que l’IEDM rend disponible aujourd’hui sur son site web un débat entre deux économistes chevronnés sur les coûts et les bénéfices du confinement.

Les universités doivent défendre la liberté d’expression devant les militants radicaux

Montréal, October 20, 2020 – Depuis toujours, l’IEDM défend la liberté d’expression, qui est un fondement de notre démocratie. C’est pourquoi l‘organisme a souligné la justesse de l’intervention de la vice-première ministre Geneviève Guilbault, qui dénonce les « dérapages inacceptables » survenus dans la foulée de la suspension controversée d’une professeure de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Corporatism keeps our health care system overcrowded

Montreal, October 14, 2020 – The Montreal Economic Institute is releasing a video animation online today promoting “super nurses” and “super pharmacists” as a way to deal with Quebec’s overcrowded health care system.

Throne speech: A leap into the unknown without a parachute

Montreal, September 23, 2020 – According to a Montreal Economic Institute analyst, the measures announced today by the federal government in its throne speech will not pave the way for a solid economic recovery after months of severe, generalized lockdown of the Canadian economy.

The federal government is jeopardizing manufacturing jobs

Montreal, September 17, 2020 – The federal government will soon publish the new Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). Although this reform has attracted less attention from the general public than the imposition of a carbon tax, it is once again Canadian manufacturing companies and consumers who will feel its effects. A new Montreal Economic Institute publication, prepared by economist Miguel Ouellette, shines a light on the unintended consequences of the CFS.

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