
Media Releases

COVID-19: Entrepreneurs to the rescue

Montreal, March 11, 2021 – For over a year now, the spotlight has been on governments and the actions they have taken in the context of the pandemic, sometimes obscuring the great contribution of entrepreneurs in maintaining a certain quality of life for Canadians in these difficult times. A new publication launched by the Montreal Economic Institute lifts the veil on the efforts made by entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves, pick up the pace, and help us meet this challenge.

Mise au point : la forêt québécoise est en santé

Montréal, le 5 mars 2021 – Depuis plusieurs semaines, les interventions médiatiques propageant le mythe d’une exploitation irresponsable de la forêt québécoise se multiplient. Miguel Ouellette, économiste et directeur des opérations à l’Institut économique de Montréal, souhaite remettre les pendules à l’heure en rappelant quelques faits essentiels au sujet de la récolte de bois effectuée sur le territoire de la province.

Pipelines: Canada must end its dependence on the US market

Montreal, February 25, 2021 – The revoking of Keystone XL’s permit by US President Joe Biden his first day in office highlights the risk for Canada of depending on a single country for its petroleum product exports. An Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute points out that the construction of new pipelines on Canadian soil would help the country reduce this risk and maximize revenues from oil exports, thus encouraging job creation and improving Canadians’ living standards.

Quebec Must Set Up a Standing Expenditure Review Committee

Montreal, February 4, 2021 – The return to a balanced budget in the medium term is necessary, and it must be achieved by controlling governmental expenditures. One way to do this is to set up a standing expenditure review committee, as the federal government did following the financial crisis of 2008-2009, shows a publication launched today by the MEI.

What budgetary situation is President Biden inheriting?

Montreal, January 28, 2021 – As he takes office, President Joe Biden is inheriting a health crisis, an economic crisis compared by some to the 1929 crisis, and mismanaged public finances. An Economic Note launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute sketches a picture of the budgetary policy of President Trump, under whose management the federal government’s debt grew by 36%.

Blocking Keystone XL would be a big mistake

Montreal, January 18, 2021 – The Montreal Economic Institute wishes to respond to the news that U.S. president-elect Joe Biden plans to quickly revoke the Keystone XL pipeline expansion permit.

Freedom of expression: Censorship is expensive

Montreal, January 14, 2021 – A climate of censorship seems to be taking hold on our university campuses, within our cultural institutions, and even among the general public. This new puritanism hurts the economy and makes Quebecers poorer. Indeed, a new publication launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute shows that we would be richer if we had even more freedom of expression.

Repeated lockdowns: From recession to depression

Montreal, December 16, 2020 – The Quebec government has just announced new stricter lockdown rules before the holidays. Yet repeated lockdowns, even if partial, are likely to inflict the effects of an economic depression on SMEs rather than those of a simple recession. An Economic Note prepared by Peter St. Onge in collaboration with Maria Lily Shaw launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute paints a worrisome picture.

Poll: Quebecers against special rights or a blocking right for First Nations

Montreal, December 9, 2020 – With the federal government tabling a bill last week aiming to make the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples applicable to Canada, a clear majority of Quebecers are opposed to them having special or additional rights, compared to what all Quebecers enjoy. According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the MEI, 55% of Quebecers think Indigenous people should have the same rights as them, no more and no less.

COVID-19: Solutions to the urgent need for hospital beds

Montreal, December 2, 2020 – Our health care system is hard-pressed to withstand the repeated blows of the pandemic. One of the issues highlighted by the health crisis is the urgent need for more hospital beds, as Canada lags behind many other countries in this regard. A research paper prepared by Peter St. Onge in collaboration with Maria Lily Shaw, launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute, proposes some concrete solutions.

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