
Media Releases

Study on the economic crisis: natural job creation in the private sector far exceeds the alleged impact of stimulus packages

Montreal, December 8, 2009 – A few days before federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s pre-budget consultations begin, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is publishing a research paper on the crisis that began in 2007. It shows in particular how the positive effects on employment that are attributed to stimulus packages based on government spending pale in comparison to natural job creation in the private sector. This observation should encourage the finance minister to hold firm on his intention to avoid new public spending commitments in his next budget.

A simple tool for watching Quebec’s debt grow

Montreal, September 18, 2009 – The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has just released a Quebec debt clock on its website. It shows the growth in public sector debt in real time based on data provided by the Department of Finance in its 2009-2010 Budget Plan.

Union certification: Mandatory secret ballot voting would show more respect for workers’ wishes – A new poll indicates that a large majority of Quebeckers support this reform

Montreal, September 10, 2009 – More than seven out of 10 people in Quebec feel the government should amend the current law to establish mandatory secret ballot voting among employees involved in an application for union certification. Support for such a change is even higher among unionized workers, at 80%.

Private investment in telecommunications: an economic stimulus

Montreal, May 28, 2009 – Private investment is an essential part of economic recovery and must be encouraged, according to the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI). “Private investment totals more than $270 billion annually, nearly 10 times as high as the public investment announced in the recovery plan in the federal budget,” MEI president and CEO Michel Kelly-Gagnon said.

A manifesto for a more efficient social democratic model

Montreal, May 25, 2009 – An essay titled Manifesto for a Competitive Social Democracy by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), says globalization of markets makes it necessary to revitalize social democracy, redefining the roles of governmental and competitive sectors.

Viewpoint on the Quebec government’s debt: potential dangers on the horizon

Montreal, May 6, 2009 – In a Viewpoint published by the Montreal Economic Institute, economist David Descôteaux determines that gross debt as of March 31, 2009, stood at $151.4 billion, or 49.9% of the province’s annual GDP. Quebec’s debt, already above the Canadian average, has started going up again after several years under control. Quebec government spending is on the rise because of growing program costs. Can Quebec’s government finances hold up without unduly raising the debt?

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