
Media Releases

Strict labour regulations raise construction costs in Quebec

Montreal, May 4, 2010 – Strict regulation of the construction trades is artificially raising construction costs in Quebec, according to an Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) and prepared by its researcher David Descôteaux.

The Montreal Economic Institute updates its Quebec debt clock

Montreal, March 31, 2010 – To take account of the latest data from the Quebec Department of Finance in the budget released yesterday, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is updating its Quebec debt clock. The clock shows Quebec’s rising debt in real time and may be seen at www.iedm.org.

Léger Marketing poll on negotiations with public sector unions: Only 10% of Quebecers support the union demands

Montreal, March 19, 2010 – With under two weeks to go before the expiry of collective agreements in the public sector, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has issued results of a Léger Marketing poll seeking Quebecers’ views on certain aspects of the negotiations taking place between the government and the Common Front of of public sector unions.

Salary increases for government employees must be conditional on higher productivity

Montreal, March 9, 2010 – With just a few weeks to go before the expiry of collective agreements covering government employees, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has issued a Viewpoint on measures for raising productivity in the public service. Germain Belzile, associate researcher at the MEI and lecturer at HEC Montréal, emphasizes the importance of putting work organization on the agenda of negotiations with government employees so as to link future pay increases to higher productivity.

Budget Flaherty – Un budget déficitaire, mais l’approche de réduction des dépenses est la bonne

Montreal, March 4, 2010 – Les chiffres dévoilés aujourd’hui par le ministre des Finances du Canada, Jim Flaherty, confirment que l’administration fédérale s’est endettée d’un montant de 53,8 milliards $ en 2009-2010 et prévoit devoir creuser le déficit de 49,2 milliards $ supplémentaires en 2010-2011. Selon Germain Belzile, économiste et chercheur associé à l’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM), dix ans d’équilibre budgétaire seront donc dilapidés en seulement deux ans de déficit.

Générosité des régimes de retraite du secteur public : au-delà des chiffres, le bon sens

Montreal, March 3, 2010 – À un mois de l’échéance des conventions collectives des employés du secteur public, l’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM) publiait une analyse préparée par Pierre Girardin, actuaire, en collaboration avec Michel Kelly-Gagnon, p.-d.g. de l’IEDM, au sujet des régimes de retraite des employés du secteur public. L’objectif était d’évaluer la générosité de ces régimes de retraite et de les comparer avec ce qui se trouve dans le secteur privé.

Negotiations with public sector unions: the government must take the generosity of retirement plans into account

Montreal, March 2, 2010 – A month before collective agreements in the public sector are set to expire, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is publishing a study prepared by actuary Pierre Girardin, with the collaboration of MEI’s president and CEO, Michel Kelly-Gagnon. The study evaluates the generosity of retirement plans provided to public sector employees and concludes that their post-retirement benefits far exceed what the great majority of private sector workers receive. The government needs to take this into account before determining the size of the salary increases granted to its employees.

Buying locally grown food will not help the environment

Montreal, February 16, 2010 – Buying locally as measured in “food miles” – the distance between where food is grown and where it is sold – is a poor indictor of a product’s impact on the environment and is thus not a valid way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is the conclusion of an Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute and prepared by Pierre Desrochers, associate professor of geography at the University of Toronto Mississauga, in collaboration with Hiroko Shimizu, a private consultant.

Canada’s experience in the 1990s should serve as a model for reducing public spending

Montreal, February 4, 2010 – With one month to go before the next federal budget is submitted, a joint publication by the Brussels-based Institut économique Molinari and the Montreal Economic Institute presents Canada’s management of public finances in the 1990s as a model for France and the other developed countries. Canada’s federal government managed to achieve a balanced budget in particular by reducing public spending and by cutting the number of civil servants.

Executive pay should be determined by a company’s shareholders and directors

Montreal, January 20, 2010 – A company’s shareholders and directors are in the best position to decide on appropriate compensation formulas, and it would be unwise to impose greater regulation in an area that is a matter of internal corporate management. This is the main conclusion of an Economic Note released today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI). This publication was prepared by Michel Kelly-Gagnon, president and CEO of this independent research organization, and by vice president Jasmin Guénette.

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