
Media Releases

72% of Canadians think their tax burden is too high

Montreal, October 18, 2022 – With many predicting a recession and with inflation at a level not seen in 30 years, an Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of the MEI finds that more than seven in ten Canadians (72%) think the individual tax burden is too high, compared to one in five (21%) who think it’s at an acceptable level.

New MEI Report: Private Auxiliary Agents Would Save American Cities Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Annually, Enhance Public Safety

Washington, D.C. — Today, the MEI—an independent public policy think tank with Canadian offices in Montreal and Calgary—released a new report on policing in the United States, outlining how private auxiliary agents can save taxpayer funds and keep America!s communitiessafer. Inspired by a 2021 Canadian version, the 2022 report is published as part of the MEI’s“Canada-U.S. Best Practices” program, aimed at a cross-pollination of sound policy ideas and practices between the two countries.

It doesn’t pay to “make the rich pay”

Montreal, September 14, 2022 – Proposals to increase taxes on the rich resurface often in the news. Montreal Economic Institute researchers conclude in a new study that, however the term “rich” is defined, this selective taxation does not pay, due to its longer-term indirect effects. By penalizing those who create wealth, this gives rise to a number of adverse effects that threaten the prosperity of all Canadians.

Less spending and more choice for better student outcomes

Montreal, August 18, 2022 – With students across Canada preparing to go back to school, the MEI has just released a study on how to improve educational outcomes. Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the MEI, concludes that it is an illusion to think that the quality of education will be improved merely by increasing government spending.

Reaction to the British Columbia court decision on the public health care monopoly

Montreal, July 15, 2022 – The British Columbia Court of Appeal issued a decision earlier today in the case pitting the Cambie Surgeries Corporation against the provincial government. Like the Chaoulli decision in Quebec, this case essentially turns on the freedom of choice of patients who want to be treated rapidly by health care entrepreneurs.

Protectionist barriers to softwood lumber: A costly measure

Montreal, June 30, 2022 – The Canada-US softwood lumber dispute that has lasted some forty years is good for neither country, MEI researchers conclude in a publication launched today. The drop in Canadian production has direct consequences on this country’s forestry industry, and is not offset by the increased production south of the border, which leads to a net loss in the volume of wood available in the American market. This artificially induced greater scarcity of wood leads to higher costs for consumers.

Bill C-11: A threat to freedom of expression

Montreal, June 14, 2022 – On November 22 last year, the federal government introduced Bill C‑11, the Online Streaming Act, in the House of Commons. Its goal is to allow the CRTC to regulate online streaming services. The Netflixes and Disneys of the world, as well as platforms like Spotify and YouTube, are targeted by the bill. It will potentially cover almost all audio and audiovisual content accessible online in Canada. A new MEI publication warns against the possible economic, cultural, and legal consequences of this bill.

Accessible health data is vital for Quebec

Montreal, June 9, 2022 – It is hard to believe that in 2022, health data is still being communicated between institutions and departments via fax in Quebec. According to an MEI publication released today, Quebec’s current system does not allow for an efficient flow of information that would benefit patients, and existing electronic health records lack vital information physicians need to make a proper treatment plan.

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