
Other Op-eds

Op-eds by MEI staff members and associated researchers published in different newspapers and magazines. The opinions expressed in these opinion pieces do not necessarily represent those of the Montreal Economic Institute or members of its Board of Directors.

Medicine shouldn’t just be cheap; it should be accessible

The new guidelines the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board will use to determine whether the price of a new medication is acceptable or too high are so unclear that both pharmaceutical companies and patients’ rights groups are united in their criticism of them.

Service matters most in health care

Ford’s plan to involve privately owned and operated facilities in delivering care within Ontario’s universal health system builds on well-documented success stories.

Ode à la croissance

Loin d’être la menace que l’on nous présente, la croissance a le plus souvent été une source de solutions pour les problèmes auxquels l’humanité doit faire face.

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