
Protect the Caribou without Bankrupting Our Rural Regions

The federal government’s decree seeking to protect certain woodland caribou herds would result in the loss of at least 1,990 jobs in Quebec’s rural regions, according to this Viewpoint published by the MEI. “If the…

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Can Cross-Border Healthcare Be the Safety Valve for Waiting Lists in Canada?

Allowing Canadian patients to get reimbursed from the government for care received outside the country – just like Europeans do – would help reduce waiting times, according to this Economic Note published jointly by the…

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Mortgage renewals: the latest regulatory burden

A new interpretation of Quebec’s Notarial Act would almost double the cost of a mortgage transfer in the province, according to this MEI study. “With its new interpretation of the Act, the Chambre des notaires…

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The reason to care about economics, and the reason to study it, is not just to understand material well-being, but instead it's about a much bigger picture: how we cooperate in a world of strangers and diversity, and how we turn that cooperation into better and longer and more peaceful lives for more people.

Steven Horwitz (1964-2021), Distinguished Professor of Free Enterprise, Ball State University.

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