
How Regulation Made Montreal Unaffordable

The regulatory burden is preventing the housing supply from adjusting itself, contributing to the rapid increase in housing prices seen in Montreal, points out this study published by the MEI. “The more regulation there is,…

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Montreal City Hall Should Stay Out of the Housing Market

Although the state of Montreal’s social housing stock has gone from bad to worse over the past five years, Mayor Valérie Plante insists on building more, decries this MEI study. “Those who require housing assistance…

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Quebecers Should Not Have to Leave Emergency Rooms Untreated

The number of patients leaving Quebec emergency rooms without being treated is rising, shows this study by the MEI. “These discouraged patients who leave ERs without having been treated are not leaving because they feel…

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The reason to care about economics, and the reason to study it, is not just to understand material well-being, but instead it's about a much bigger picture: how we cooperate in a world of strangers and diversity, and how we turn that cooperation into better and longer and more peaceful lives for more people.

Steven Horwitz (1964-2021), Distinguished Professor of Free Enterprise, Ball State University.

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